Musicians Wanted
Adult musicians are welcome. Openings for string players are most common, and substitute lists are maintained for all instruments.
Even adults who put their instruments away years ago are encouraged to return to playing. We understand the relearning process and can help with practical suggestions, as we have done with several of our active members.
Joining with us can enrich your life and stave off old age. There is the satisfaction of becoming a better musician, pride in performing our beautiful music well, and a chance to expand your social circle.
Research has shown that playing a musical instrument exercises the brain in a way that lessens age-related loss of function. Together we give our community enjoyable musical experiences worthy of their support.
No formal audition is required.
To discuss the possibilities for you, contact Ted Hadley at (208) 733-1079,
Student musicians are also welcome in the MV Symphony, especially in the string section. Recommendation by a music teacher is a necessity or an audition of suitable repertoire and sight-reading (and sometimes both) is required. Contact Ted Hadley at 733-1079 or email Maestro Hadley.
Magic Valley Symphony League
The Magic Valley Symphony League is composed of classical music lovers who help the symphony prosper and flourish:
Usher at concerts
Assist in the annual season ticket sales and concert publicity
Host post-concert receptions and special events
Support music education and scholarships
Please join us! We meet only four to five times a year. Fresh ideas and help with the legwork are always welcome. You don't have to be a musician to be a great help.
For more information call Elaine Bowen, (208) 734-5323
Magic Valley Symphony League
Elaine Bowen, President
Joy Hoogesteger, Treasurer
Lorna Pringle, Secretary
Eileen Banholzer, Reception Chair
Linda Brugger, Publicist
Martha Mead
Wanda Cook
Margaret Vincent, Sustaining Member
Sue McClusky, Honorary Member
Marilyn Swensen, Honorary Member
On a yearly basis, Magic Valley Symphony offers young and adult musicians scholarship opportunities to further their musical growth and education.
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
For complete rules, eligibility requirements and application form, please click on the corresponding links below.